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Spinal NeuromodulationDeng, Y., Dong, Y., Liu, Y., Zhang, Q., Guan, X., Chen, X., Li, M., Xu, L., Yang, C.A systematic review of clinical studies on electrical stimulation therapy for patients with neurogenic bowel dysfunction after spinal cord injury2018
Spinal NeuromodulationSivaramakrishnan, A., Solomon, J. M., Manikandan, N.Comparison of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and functional electrical stimulation (FES) for spasticity in spinal cord injury - A pilot randomized cross-over trial2018 Controlled Trial
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Epidural Electrical Spinal StimulationAsboth, L., Friedli, L., Beauparlant, J., Martinez-Gonzalez, C., Anil, S., Rey, E., Baud, L., Pidpruzhnykova, G., Anderson, M. A., Shkorbatova, P., Batti, L., Pagès, S., Kreider, J., Schneider, B. L., Barraud, Q., Courtine, G.Cortico-reticulo-spinal circuit reorganization enables functional recovery after severe spinal cord contusion2018 Article
Epidural Electrical Spinal StimulationFormento, E., Minassian, K., Wagner, F., Mignardot, J. B., Le Goff-Mignardot, C. G., Rowald, A., Bloch, J., Micera, S., Capogrosso, M., Courtine, G.Electrical spinal cord stimulation must preserve proprioception to enable locomotion in humans with spinal cord injury2018 Article
Epidural Electrical Spinal StimulationWagner, F. B., Mignardot, J. B., Le Goff-Mignardot, C. G., Demesmaeker, R., Komi, S., Capogrosso, M., Rowald, A., Seáñez, I., Caban, M., Pirondini, E., Vat, M., McCracken, L. A., Heimgartner, R., Fodor, I., Watrin, A., Seguin, P., Paoles, E., Van Den Keybus, K., Eberle, G., Schurch, B., Pralong, E., Becce, F., Prior, J., Buse, N., Buschman, R., Neufeld, E., Kuster, N., Carda, S., von Zitzewitz, J., Delattre, V., Denison, T., Lambert, H., Minassian, K., Bloch, J., Courtine, G.Targeted neurotechnology restores walking in humans with spinal cord injury2018 Article
Epidural Electrical Spinal StimulationCalvert, J. S., Grahn, P. J., Zhao, K. D., Lee, K. H.Emergence of Epidural Electrical Stimulation to Facilitate Sensorimotor Network Functionality After Spinal Cord Injury2019
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Epidural Electrical Spinal StimulationCalvert, J. S., Grahn, P. J., Strommen, J. A., Lavrov, I. A., Beck, L. A., Gill, M. L., Linde, M. B., Brown, D. A., Van Straaten, M. G., Veith, D. D., Lopez, C., Sayenko, D. G., Gerasimenko, Y. P., Edgerton, V. R., Zhao, K. D., Lee, K. H.Electrophysiological Guidance of Epidural Electrode Array Implantation over the Human Lumbosacral Spinal Cord to Enable Motor Function after Chronic Paralysis2019 Trial
Epidural Electrical Spinal StimulationSong, P., Cuellar, C. A., Tang, S., Islam, R., Wen, H., Huang, C., Manduca, A., Trzasko, J. D., Knudsen, B. E., Lee, K. H., Shigao Chen, S., Lavrov, I. A.Functional Ultrasound Imaging of Spinal Cord Hemodynamic Responses to Epidural Electrical Stimulation: A Feasibility Study2019 Article
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Transcutaneous Electrical Spinal StimulationPhillips, A. A., Squair, J. W., Sayenko, D. G., Edgerton, V. R., Gerasimenko, Y., Krassioukov, A. V. An Autonomic Neuroprosthesis: Noninvasive Electrical Spinal Cord Stimulation Restores Autonomic Cardiovascular Function in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury2018 Trial
Transcutaneous Electrical Spinal StimulationRath, M., Vette, A. H., Ramasubramaniam, S., Li, K., Burdick, J., Edgerton, V. R., Gerasimenko, Y. P., Sayenko, D. G.Trunk Stability Enabled by Noninvasive Spinal Electrical Stimulation after Spinal Cord Injury2018 Trial
Transcutaneous Electrical Spinal StimulationSavenkova, A. A., Sarana, A. M., Shcherbak, S. G., Gerasimenko, Y. P., Moshonkina, T. R. [Noninvasive spinal cord electrical stimulation in the complex rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injury] [Article translated from Russian]2019 Article
Transcutaneous Electrical Spinal StimulationHofstoetter, U. S., Freundl, B., Binder, H., Minassian, K.Recovery cycles of posterior root-muscle reflexes evoked by transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation and of the H reflex in individuals with intact and injured spinal cord2019 Article
Transcutaneous Electrical Spinal StimulationSayenko, D. G., Rath, M., Ferguson, A. R., Burdick, J. W., Havton, L. A., Edgerton, V. R., Gerasimenko , Y. P.Self-Assisted Standing Enabled by Non-Invasive Spinal Stimulation after Spinal Cord Injury2019 Controlled Trial
Transcutaneous Electrical Spinal StimulationGarcía, A. M., Serrano-Muñoz, D., Taylor, J., Avendaño-Coy, J., Gómez-Soriano, J. Transcutaneous Spinal Cord Stimulation and Motor Rehabilitation in Spinal Cord Injury: A Systematic Review2020 Article
FES (Functional Electrical Stimulation)McCaughey, E. J., Borotkanics, R. J., Gollee, H., Folz, R. J., McLachlan, A. J.Abdominal functional electrical stimulation to improve respiratory function after spinal cord injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis2016
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FES (Functional Electrical Stimulation)Sivaramakrishnan, A., Solomon, J. M., Manikandan, N.Comparison of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and functional electrical stimulation (FES) for spasticity in spinal cord injury - A pilot randomized cross-over trial2018 Controlled Trial
FES (Functional Electrical Stimulation)McCaughey, E. J., Butler, J. E., McBain, R. A., Boswell-Ruys, C. L., Hudson, A. L., Gandevia, S. C., Lee, B. B.Abdominal Functional Electrical Stimulation to Augment Respiratory Function in Spinal Cord Injury2019
FES (Functional Electrical Stimulation)Bergmann, M., Zahharova, A., Reinvee, M., Asser, T., Gapeyeva, H., Vahtrik, D.The Effect of Functional Electrical Stimulation and Therapeutic Exercises on Trunk Muscle Tone and Dynamic Sitting Balance in Persons with Chronic Spinal Cord Injury: A Crossover Trial2019 Article
PALT (Personalized Adaptive Locomotor Training)Capogrosso, M., Milekovic, T., Borton, D., Wagner, F., Martin Moraud, E. M., Mignardot, J. B., Buse, N., Gandar, J., Barraud, Q., Xing, D., Rey, E., Duis, S., Jianzhong, Y., Ko, W. K. D., Li, Q., Detemple, P., Denison, T., Micera, S., Bezard, E., Bloch, J., Courtine, G.A brain-spine interface alleviating gait deficits after spinal cord injury in primates2016 Article
PALT (Personalized Adaptive Locomotor Training)Singh, H., Shah, M., Flett, H. M., Craven, B. C., Verrier, M. C., Musselman, K. E.Perspectives of individuals with sub-acute spinal cord injury after personalized adapted locomotor training2017 Article
PALT (Personalized Adaptive Locomotor Training)Hardeep Singh, H., Sam, J., Verrier, M. C, Flett, H. M., Craven, B. C., Musselman, E.Life after personalized adaptive locomotor training: a qualitative follow-up study2018 Article